COMMERCIAL 57793 Whitewood, South Dakota
Commercial subdivisions, strip malls, commercial lots, warehouses, retail stores, churches, restaurants, etc...<br>
Cover Sheet: General information about the project, the owner, legal discretions, basis of bearing, basis of elevation, location map, general notes, legends
.<br>Development Plan: Key notes, information of site construction methods, parking spaces
.<br>Grading: Earthwork quantities, spot elevations, Finish Grade.<br>
Details: Construction details, trash enclosure, handicap parking, cross-section, pond details, retaining wall details, hydraulic structure details, etc. .<br>
Horizontal: General horizontal control or site related items and location of main building..<br>
Drainage Report (Hydrology): Watershed delineation, water run-off calculation, detention/retention calculations, hydraulic calculations, scour calculations, float pain delineation, etc..<br>
Sewer Plans: design sewer lines according to the corresponding jurisdiction.<br>
Sewer Reports: hydraulic design of sewer lines.<br>
Water Plans: design of water lines according to the corresponding jurisdiction.<br>
Structural: retaining walls, foundations, restrained walls, beams, columns, connections..<br> 57793 Whitewood, South Dakota